Monday, June 18, 2012

Tacos Sinaloa: Oakland, CA

So I've been hearing a friend of mine RAVE about this taco truck in Oakland and how they have the best tacos in the Berkeley area. Apparently a lot of people think so. So one day, when I had some wheels at my disposal, I decided I wanted to check this place out.

Let me tell you something. I don't like tacos. I despise corn tortillas maybe more than I despise finals week. They don't taste that great, and they fall apart too easily. You don't get that nice flour-y flavor either. I got tacos because I heard great things about them, but I didn't expect I would enjoy them that much. I expected the same lack-luster taco with a shell that was either stale or falling apart and sparse filling.

I was gladly mistaken. These tacos were amazing. I can no longer say I don't like tacos.

I had my friend pick which four tacos I would consume that night since I'm not too knowledgeable about the meat that goes inside Mexican food further than the normal chicken/steak/carnitas offered at Chipotle. The only thing I insisted was that one of them had to be a lengua taco and the others had to be something interesting. Legua is cow tongue. And though it sounds disgusting, I've had it before and I'm really fond of it. The meat is must moister and tender than regular steak and it falls apart in your mouth. I ended up with the following four tacos:
- Lengua: Tongue
- Al Pastor: Spicy Pork
- Carnitas: Fried Pork
- Cabeza: Beef head

I wasn't that surprised to find the lengua one was my favorite. The Carnitas was good, but it was a bit too crunchy for me. The other two were yummy, but neither beat the texture and flavors I got from the lengua. I'd have to say I was more partial toward the cabeza in terms of texture, but the al pastor had excellent flavor. Each taco was generously filled so that the meat spilled out of the tortillas when you picked them up. They came with jalapenos, radishes, and spicy carrots. My fingers were covered in delicious sauce by the end and I savored every yummy bite. Definitely not a tablecloth dinner, but it really hit the spot after a long day of work followed by errands. It's always a little nice to sit back and relax and leave table manners at the door and chow down.

Unfortunately, I don't have pictures of this deliciousness. However, I will attest that they were really yummy. They just smelled too good and I was too hungry to whip my phone out and snap a picture. Sorry readers. ):

They're actually TWO trucks and they have a little shelter area with tables where you can sit and eat. I asked my friend why they were in trucks if they had a building and he replied with some witty retort like "THINGS TASTE BETTER OFF A TRUCK"

So please, go check out Tacos Sinaloa if you're in the Oakland area. It's on International Blvd and 22nd! I'm sure I'll make my way out there again sometime!

1 comment:

  1. The truck in the back also has seafood tacos and ceviche...the best taste and prices around.
    And they have just opened a truck on Lakeshore near the Grand Lake Theatre. It is in a church parking lot across from the Lakeview Library paring lot. Get your eats and go across the street to the park and lake for a lovely time.
